As our climate changes it seems that an increasing number of trees blow over on the Hill every year. In addition, the SWT arborist has to fell any trees that represent a danger to the public footpaths.
In the past the Friends have harvested all this timber and sold it as firewood to raise funds. The wood was processed by volunteers and all profits went to the maintenance and improvement of the Hill for all.
We now have a policy of trying to leave as much dead timber as possible on the Hill, as a carbon sink and as habitat for invertebrates (particularly beetle larvae) and fungus. In addition, from 2022 new atmospheric pollution regulations made it illegal to to sell unseasoned wood with a moisture content greater than 20% in loads of less than two cubic metres.
Despite all this, we still have excess timer to dispose of, which we can legally give away in return for a suggested donation. One ‘load’ is just under 1 cubic metre. Moisture content of the wood is high, meaning that is ‘unseasoned’ or ‘part seasoned’ and not yet ready to burn. It should be stacked in a well-ventilated place to season.
You should not burn the wood until the moisture content has fallen to <20%. This may take one or two summers depending on your storage facilities. Ideally all firewood should be burnt in an enclosed modern stove. Softwood should not be burnt on an open fire. For DEFRA guidance on seasoning and burning firewood see:
Suggested donation per load, delivered locally:
Split hardwood logs 9 inch/250mm nominal length £85
Softwood cord wood (4 ft/1.2 m lengths) £40